It's insanely windy, so I had a chance to make a movie of Mireya's first hair cut. I mean I could have done laundry, or cleaned out my closet.
But I'm way too accomplished a procrastinator.
As you know if you've spent any time here in crib note land, Mireya has crazy curly hair.
No, seriously. Like INSANELY curly.
So I was nervous to get her hair cut, because everyone with curly hair says it's impossible to cut. As a result she had these long bits, short bits, and wild bits everywhere.
It was time.
It was past time, actually. Probably by 3 years.
Did I mention I am an accomplished procrastinator? I mean, I've got my black belt in delay tactics. Well, actually it's in the laundry.
Anywho, here's the video.
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5 years ago