
Sierra In Hospital Next Week

Everything is set. We go in for X-rays and such on Tuesday, spend the night at the Ronald McDonald House (every time I buy french fries at McDonalds I remember the first time we stayed at the House in San Antonio). Wednesday we head over to the hospital.

Sierra is late in the line up and isn't allowed to eat from midnight on. She'll be there over night.

Family is all coming in, over a dozen people will be there, which is crazy, because it's not like this is the Big Thing, if the Big Thing even happens.

But I'm very glad they are all coming anyway.

I know, I know. This procedure isn't big or dangerous, yet I feel raw anyway. Inside her chest is the mystery that they will probe, then reveal what lies ahead for her, for us.


On the positive side of things, Sierra's vertigo is improving and the doctor has said not to worry about any of the scarier things often linked to severe vertigo.

"It will resolve," he said to me, looking me in the eyes in that way doctors do when they are both emphatic and comforting.

Resolve. Yes, I thought. Everything does, in the end, resolve.